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"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. (Hosea 4:6) " | "Knowledge is the best cheese, so acquire it." (Proverbs 4:7)

"All Christians are constantly growing in maturity. We are all deficient in something. We are deficient in one thing, and that is knowledge. We are given a wonderful promise in the Word. If we are deficient in knowledge, let us ask and be given the knowledge we need.  We will receive the knowledge that is. God gives us His gifts generously. God does not find fault with us because we are lacking in knowledge. He is not angry with us. He is our loving Father in heaven. We can fear Him.

 There is a gap between scholarship and knowledge.  We get knowledge through our hard work.  We learn by learning in school

 can be acquired but true knowledge is a gift from God.'  Knowledge is greater than knowledge because knowledge has the gift of making knowledge useful.  Knowledge is useless unless it is used wisely.

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